watchseries Movie Interstellar With English Subtitles
Genre - Thriller
Runtime - 2 Hours, 49m
Directed by - Christopher Nolan
Writer - Christopher Nolan
Scores - 1428608 Vote
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Once again, Christopher Nolan has managed to pull it off.
I went into the theatre with a very generic expectation of what it would be like based on its trailer: Father goes to space to look for a new habitat for mankind because Earth is no longer sustainable and eventually he has to decide between staying in space and exploring for an ecological viable planet or head back to Earth to go back to his family, where eventually there is a sob story and everything ends with Aerosmith screeching "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing.
To be honest, yes, that was actually a rough plot of what happened in the movie. However, obviously, there were additional details which blew my mind.
Storyline: I have endless praise for the storyline. There was something very peculiar and yet intimate in the interpretation of space travel which seems to be close towards Nolan's heart, possibly because of the budget cuts to NASA in 2013: People start to see the now and then and have left less emphasis on dreams and space exploration. Mid-movie, it leaves you feeling so small as an existence and conversely so huge in potential. Mentioned above, in addition to the cliché storyline of every space travel sob story, the writers/producers/director manage to inject their own flavor for adventure, family and the essence of what it means to be a human, making it a roller-coaster ride for every single audience. Despite it being that of a sci-fi movie, it incorporated several elements of the human knowledge: physics, maths, sociology, family, emotions, logic, astrology which I think leaves you feeling a sense of satisfaction that you did not leave the cinema feeling like a brainless vase.
The movie was long. 2.5hours long. I have a short attention so it was a commendable effort that the writing was so concise in plucking out the key points of this story, allowing us to have sufficient stamina to last through the entire move. There was not a minute that I was bored or waiting for this movie to "please get over with it.
Cast: Cast was top-notch, ranging from Matthew McConaughey, the lovely Anna Hathaway who has grown so much from her cutesy princess role in Princess Diaries and Michael Caine whom we know as the Butler of Batman because hey! Everyone loves that Butler. Reading through the reviews, I feel that there was insufficient credit given to the actors and actresses who made it happen. The leads were very riveting in their depiction. This movie required a mix of producing human emotions and yet the blatant script of logical science. The cast had to maintain that fine balance of producing emotions and yet not be boring as hell with jargon, which I think they have successfully nailed. I would say that 40% of the success of the film goes to the cast, with the remaining going towards the backstage people (director, writer, producers, etc. The movie will have been a flop if they didn't recruit the people that they did.
Visuals: The visuals were superb to the dot. Expect several visual references from the likes of Inception. Enough said.
Soundtrack: At some points, I actually thought the soundtrack was annoying. You are in space. It sounded like Indiana Jones fighting some Star Wars characters. It didn't do justice to the film.
Overall, I reckon that this is the movie of the year and it does live up to the standards of the Batman Trilogy and Inception. It is a classic that everyone should spend to watch and will be talked about for years.